Hi and welcome!

My name is Stephanie, and I’m passionate about crystals. I'm a channel, and I also love to play with my pendulums and connect to the Akashic Records to receive messages.

In my main job, I'm a web marketing strategist, copywriter and storyteller with 20+ years of experience. On my spiritual journey as a mom and entrepreneur, I’ve discovered the crystal community online and it fascinates me! 

In the past few years, I’ve spent countless hours reading, learning and experimenting with crystals.

Because I’m also a strategist, I enjoy studying the “behind the scene” of different industries. I have spent a lot of time studying the various models of crystal business shop people launch online, the way they do live sales (or not), the different platforms they use to sell their crystals, etc. And I don't want to keep all this to myself! It’s why I came to launch the Crystal Business Insider project.

I’ve found such fascinating people in this loving community and I want YOU to discover them too!

This cool project allows me to combine my passion for marketing, human development and my love of crystals, to bring the information to the crystal business community.

If you are a crystal shop owner, or a wholesaler, I invite you to subscribe to Crystal Business Insider (it’s free!) to receive the interviews I conduct with crystal business entrepreneurs.

And if you’d like to be features in an interview, and be showcased on this site and to my list, I invite you to reach out to me, so we can book a time to record your interview (also free)!


Thanks for being here,



Juliette, my furry friend

You might see her in an interview, because she likes to be on camera.